TED Talks / ТЕД гост лектори

Andrew Stanton: The clues to a great story

1. Know your goal of storytelling
- “Storytelling is knowing that everything from your first to your last sentence is leading to a singular goal."
- “Stories confirm who we are. And nothing does a greater affirmation than when we connect through stories."

2. Make the audience care
- “Make me care, please, emotionally, intellectually, aesthetically, just make me care."

3. Make the audience put things together
- “We are born problem solvers. We are compelled to deduce, and to deduct."
- "Don’t give the audience the entire story. Don’t give them 4. Give them 2+2."

4. Find the “spine” that drive your main character’s decisions
- “All well-drawn characters have a spine. The character has an inner motor, a dominant, unconscious goal that they're striving for, an itch that they can’t scratch."

5. Embrace changes in your stories
- "Change is fundamental in stories."
- “If things go static, stories die, because life is never static."

6. Construct anticipation with uncertainty
- “Drama is anticipation mingled with uncertainty."

7. Make your audience like your main character
- Make your main character likable

8. Have a theme
- “A strong theme is always running through a well-told story."

9. Invoke wonder
- “Have them surrender to wonder."
- “The best story infuses wonder."

10. Express values you personally feel deep inside
- “Use what you know. Draw from it. It doesn’t always mean plot or fact. It means capturing a truth from your experience, expressing values you personally feel deep down in your core."

 Roselinde Torres: What it takes to be a great leader

 "Great leaders are shaping their future, not just reacting to it."

"Great leaders understand that having a more diverse network is a source of pattern identification at greater levels and also of solutions, because they have people who are thinking differently than they are."

"Great leaders dare to be different."

"The best leadership development doesn't happen by just going off to a course or a seminar… The best leadership development happens when people are learning in the context of their own strategic, economic agenda, with the actual people that they are going to influence and lead."

David Logan: Tribal leadership 

"Leaders need to be able to talk all the levels so that you can touch every person in society. But you don't leave them where you found them. Okay?"

Stanley McChrystal: Listen, learn ... then lead 
"A leader isn't  good because he is right; he is good because he is willing to learn and to trust."

Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders 
"No one gets the promotion if they don't think they deserve their success, or they don't even understand their own success."

"Don't leave before you leave. Stay in."

John Wooden: The difference between winning and succeeding

"If you make an effort to do the best you can regularly, the results will be about what they should be. Not necessarily what you'd want them to be but they will be about what they should."

"Success is: Peace of mind attained only through self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you are capable."

"Whatever you are doing you must be patient."

Maysoon Zayid: I got 99 problems ... palsy is just one
"If I can can, you can can."

Adam Grant: The surprising habits of original thinkers

"Originals are nonconformists, people who not only have new ideas but take actions to champion them... Originals drive creativity and change in the world." 

"To be original you don't have to be first. You just have to be different and better."

"When you feel doubt, don't let it go."

"The greatest originals are the ones who fail the most, because they are the ones who try the most."

"The originals, they are not different from us."

"Being original is not easy but I have no doubt about this: it is the best way to improve the world around us."

Scott Dinsmore:  How to find and do work you love

"If we don't know what we are looking for we are never going to find it."

"Everything was impossible before someone did it."

"When ordinary people are doing the extraordinary and we can be around them - it becomes normal."

"It isn't about being Gandhi or Steve Jobs, or something crazy, it is just about doing something that matters to you and it is the impact that only you can make."

"What seems impossible can become the new normal."

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